
Showing posts from August 7, 2018

Welcome to my blog

I’m not sticking to sports in retirement, but I’m not leaving it, either. Politics? Only on the periphery. That’s a morass into which I choose not to get sucked. But even the periphery is fascinating and alarming enough. Case in point: Obviously, Donald Trump’s attacks on the news media are in play here. (And yes, in my effort to stay unsucked from the morass, I acknowledge his supporters feel the “fake” media is getting what it deserves). Many years ago, though, my former Albuquerque Journal colleague Dennis Latta related to me a conversation he’d had with a state legislator of his acquaintance — a man who believed journalists should be licensed by the state of New Mexico in the same fashion as are boxers, beauticians, undertakers, etc. etc. Write a story that doesn’t meet the state’s approval, no license. Either he hadn’t heard of the First Amendment or disagreed with it. An